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Desnahemisfera design consultancy was founded in Ljubljana in 2012. In translation desna hemisfera means the right brain hemisphere which is responsible for creativity, imagination, intuition and arts. This is also how we approach the problems we are asked to solve so our end results are always a unique statements and In our almost ten year history we have helped to create many iconic products.


We feel very passionate about design and creative thinking. We get excited when we see a product that's right on. We have sincere conversations about why the sofa that we just sit on missed the mark by 'this much,' and we've been known to do a happy dance when a prototype piece comes back beautiful and perfect, smelling of fresh paint or fabric. We can help a client's product appeal and explain a complicated process to the end-user. We help clients do what they do better and help their clients understand their product or service and hence want it more.

Speaking of clients, some say it's foolish, but we are picky about who we work with. We prefer clients with good causes and interesting challenges, clients who contribute to our community. Those who make beautiful things, those who have entrepreneurial spirits. People who are friendly.

Sometimes being successful is more than just about strategy, it's also about what feels right and finding the right people. If we were to boil it down our philosophy is this: We believe that if you are aware of your limits you will most likely stop there! So we have a profound commitment to find innovative design solutions beyond the borders of the things we know and we are used to! We try extremely hard to do this for people we enjoy, with products we believe in and having fun while we are at it.

Klemen Smrtnik

Dejan Kos

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